I’ve learned a lot from my adventures in BBQ but the one issue I’ve struggled with is removing the membrane off of ribs. The membrane is the thin layer on the back side of a rack of ribs that encloses the lung cavity on the animal. If cooked with the layer on, then it can be rubbery and/or chewy. For a better eating experience, remove the membrane. I’ve tried removing it by cutting a corner with a knife and lifting, but never seemed to get much off. It kept coming off in smaller parts, frustarting me in the process. While this works for some, it didn’t for me. I wanted help, so I sought advice from my BBQ family on Instagram and received a variety of tips. The one I tried and had success with was using a meat thermometer to poke a hole in the membrane in the middle of the rack, on the surface of one of the ribs.

Once I got a good enough hole, I grabbed a paper towel and used it to get a firm grip on the membrane and pull it off. It came off in the most clean pull I’ve had.

I’ve done it many times now and will keep doing this. Hope this helps! Feel free to share your best strategy in the comments.